An ultrasensitive electrochemical immunosensor for procalcitonin detection based on the gold nanoparticles-enhanced tyramide signal amplification strategy

An ultrasensitive electrochemical immunosensor for procalcitonin detection based on the gold nanoparticles-enhanced tyramide signal amplification strategy

In this study, we established an ultrasensitive electrochemical immunosensor based on the gold nanoparticles-enhanced tyramide signal amplification (AuNPs-TSA) for the detection of procalcitonin (PCT, for discriminating bacterial infections from nonbacterial infections). Firstly, a facilely prepared, well-conducting reduced graphene oxide nanosheets/GNP (rGO-AuNPs) nanocomposite was synthesized and immobilized on the electrode surface to absorb more capture antibodies (Ab1). Next another nanocomposite, acting as a signal tool, was modified with detection antibody (Ab2) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and then backfilled by bovine serum albumin (BSA). Because a single AuNP is able to load multiple HRPs and BSAs, a number of tyramine labeled biotins (T-B) could be deposited on the proteins adhering to the surface of AuNPs. Moreover, the high affinity between streptavidin (SA) and biotins significantly increases the loading of streptavidin labeled horseradish peroxidase (SA-HRP). The amplification system which was based on the two nanocomposites mentioned above, effectively amplified the electric current signals. This immunosensor exhibits a wide dynamic detection range from 0.05 ng mL−1 to 100 ng mL−1 and with an ultralow detection limit of 0.1 pg mL−1. We have successfully utilized this immunosensor to quantify the concentration of PCT in human serum samples, and the results suggest its potential use in clinical application.


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