Effects of temperature on electrical impedance of biological tissues: ex-vivo measurements

Effects of temperature on electrical impedance of biological tissues: ex-vivo measurements

Bioelectrical impedance techniques have been useful in various applications, including body composition analysis, impedance plethysmography, impedance cardiography, lung ventilation, perfusion, and tissue characterization. Electrical impedance methods have also been useful in characterizing different foods like meat, fruits, and beverages. However, the temperature of tissue samples can change their dielectric properties, affecting their impedance. This research investigated the effects of temperature on the impedance of various biological tissues over the frequency range of 10 Hz to 5 MHz. Freshly excised animal tissues (lamb, cow, chicken), fish, fruits, and plants were considered as biological samples. The samples were placed in a test cell and submerged in a water bath heated by a hot plate to vary the temperature. Impedance measurements were conducted using a bioimpedance spectrometer in 2 °C steps within the temperature range of 20 °C to 50 °C. Impedance values decreased with increased temperature across all measurement frequencies for all biological samples. Curve fitting indicated that impedance decreased linearly with temperature, with a mean correlation coefficient of 0.972 for all samples. For all biological samples under investigation, the relative impedance change ranged from -0.58% to -2.27% per °C, with a mean and standard deviation of (-1.42±0.34) %/°C. On average, animal samples exhibited a higher relative temperature coefficient of -1.56% per °C (±0.41) across the frequency range, compared to -1.31% per °C (±0.26) for fruit and vegetable samples. Additionally, the relative temperature coefficient values were generally higher at lower frequencies than at higher frequencies. The findings of this research can be valuable for studies or biomedical applications involving variable tissue temperatures.

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Effects of temperature on electrical impedance of biological tissues: ex-vivo measurements
Multichannel Impedance analyzer ISX-5

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