Human lung EIT experiment

Human lung EIT experiment

Liandong Zhou, Computional Science & Engineering, Yonsei University Seoul, South Korea

We reconstructed conductivity changes of human lungs caused by breathing. “The Principal Component Analysis Based Local Reconstruction Method” was applied for lung EIT. Own Matlab GUI was developed which loads .txt data file exported from the Sciospec EIT16 device.
The main idea was to extract lung data from the measured data and to find the corresponding lung region. Low-pass filter and PCA were used which can be considered as machine learning techniques. The standard sensitivity method with Tikhonov regularization was used for reconstruction on the local region with the extracted data

Human lung EIT experiment Human lung EIT experiment

The main idea was to extract lung data from the measured data and to find the corresponding lung region. Low-pass filter and PCA were used which can be considered as machine learning techniques. The standard sensitivity method with Tikhonov regularization was used for reconstruction on the local region with the extracted data.

Human lung EIT experiment

Reconstruction results: (1st row: std; 2nd row: std+low; 3rd row: PCA-LRM)

Human lung EIT experiment
Human lung EIT experimentHuman lung EIT experiment


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