International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy (IWIS) 2022

International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy (IWIS) 2022

International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy (IWIS) 2022

Meet us at this year’s IWIS

International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy (IWIS) 2022

From September 27th to September 30th 2022 the 15th International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy (IWIS) takes place. Sciospec is proud to sponsor this event and to take part in the exhibition. As in the last years we wanted not only to show our instrumentation, but also to present interesting topics and ideas.

As last year, besides Impedance Spectroscopy, EIT (Electrical Impedance Tomography) is on our topic list, too. It’s one of the hottest topics in electrical measurement technology and its relevance in biomedical and bioanalytical application fields has been constantly growing over the years. We’ll perform an EIT tank experiment in a hands-on session and hold a workshop introducing the EIT principle, the technology’s potential and Sciospec’s scalable and flexible EIT systems.

We will show our lab instrument and some of our latest developments at the exhibition which is being held parallel to the conference and in a brief exhibitor presentation in a seperate session.

The IWIS covers mutliple application fields of electrical impedance spectroscopy by workshops, paper sessions and talks.

  • Fundamentals of Impedance Spectroscopy
  • Energy Storage, Batteries, and Fuel Cells
  • Biomedical and Biological Applications
  • Material Testing, Corrosion, and Coatings
  • Inductive, Capacitive, and Resistive Sensors
  • Biosensors and Electrochemical Sensors
  • Nano Electrochemistry
  • Spectral Induced Polarisation
  • Dielectric Materials and Nanocomposites
  • Local Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
  • Signal Processing and Modelling
  • Instrumentation and Data Acquisition
  • Data Processing and Consistency
  • Electrochemical Mechanisms and Systems

Comes see us at our booth or in one of our workshops

Tutorial 2: Martin Bulst, Lucas Poßner (Sciospec)
(Thursday September 27th, 10.30 – 11.45)

Impedance measurements – Instruments, Sensors & Beyond: An introduction on how to choose, design and successfully use setups for electrical impedance spectroscopy

Hands-on Workshop: Lucas Poßner, Martin Bulst (Sciospec)
(Thursday September 27th, 13.00 – 17.00)

Impedance Measurements – Instruments, Sensors & Beyond – shown on selected experiments

International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy (IWIS) 2022

Latest Products

  • Sciospec EIT-lung imaging kit for impedance tomography
    LungEIT Kit

    The Sciospec LungEIT Kit is your turn-key, easy entry into lung imaging with impedance tomography.

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  • Sciospec LCR-1
    LCR Meter

    powerful, yet easy to use LCR meter

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  • Medical Research ISX-3

    scalable impedance analyzer with medical grade safety features

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Get in touch with us

+49 3425 88399 00

Sciospec Scientific Instruments GmbH
Leipziger Str. 43b, 04828 Bennewitz, Germany