

The joint research project PhenoCor deals with the development of a medical diagnostic device (Clinical Multi Electrode Array, cMEA) for a better and more precise in-vitro stratifization, model-based therapy planning and clinical safety pharmacology for patients suffering from a genetically caused heart disease.

Our partners of the University of Leipzig and the University Clinic in Dresden are focusing on the assay and experimental design Sciospec`s role is to develop and build a massiv-multichannel system combining electro-physiological potential recording (EPR), electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), electrical impedance tomography (EIT) and complex stimulation within the same system. The system allows for fully simultaneous acquisition of impedance or potential signals on up to 512 electrodes in combination with up to 4 independent complex stimulation injections. This opens up new possibilities for monitoring highly dynamic and spatially distributed electro-physiological phenomena and allows in-depth insights into complex cell interactions. An application-specific sensor adapter brings together the measurement system and the newly designed high density sensor array with an innovative contacting scheme.

Find out more about the PCOR system.


PhenoCor is supported by the Free State of Saxony and the European Union (SMWA/EFRE).
Project number: 100387683


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