Meet us at EIT 2023 in Aachen!
From June 12th to June 14th 2023 the International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT 2023) takes place in Aachen, Germany. Following a long tradition the conference is held for the 23rd time. This year the event will be hosted by the Chair for Medical Information Technology (MedIT) at RWTH Aachen University.
Sciospec is proud to sponsor this event and to take part in the exhibition. As in the last years we wanted not only to show our instrumentation, but also to present interesting topics and ideas.
This year, we’ll invite you to discover Sciospec’s platform for massive-multichannel Impedance Tomomography and have a look at the Sciospec EIT128 at our booth. Additionally we’ll show pros and cons of performing EIT measurements with a multiplexed impedance analyzer (ISX-3 EIT). And last, but not least our EIT expert, Martin Bulst, will present what medical grade safety measures it takes for an EIT setup to be safe for the work on living test object.
EIT 2023 Conference in Aachen
The conference covers mutliple application fields of electrical impedance tomography by workshops, paper sessions and talks.
- Clinical applications of Impedance Imaging
- Hardware for Impedance Imaging
- Software for Impedance Imaging
- Algorithms and Data Analysis
- Inverse Problems and Theory
- Bioimpedance and Dielectric Properties of Biological Tissues
- Related developments in Geophysics and Process Tomography with potential for cross-over to biomedical applications