

Well established in electro-physiological research the standard form factor multielectrode arrays (MEAs) are one of the go-to standards when it comes to impedance measurements on cell cultures.

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With the Sciospec MEArack you get a simple and proven solution for tackling these measurements without any awkward self made cabling setups, labor intensive manual channel switching or complicated third party multiplexer integrations on top of a home cooked chip adapter… With the ExtensionPort system the MEArack just plugs into compatible impedance analyzers like the ISX-3 and you´re good to go – it´s that easy

key facts

  • adapter for multi-electrode-arrays (MEAs) and other sensors-/biochips industry standard format
  • compatible with a range of Sciospec products from multiplexers and impedance analyzers all the way to the EPIX platform
  • layout fitting broad range of industry standard sensors
  • optional custom chip development
  • small form factor, low profile
  • bottom and top windows for use in combination with microscopes
  • via cable or directly inserted in the instrument – with SC98 all options are valid

With the SC98 connectivity the MEArack just plugs into any compatible multiplexer or analyzer. Plug in and you´re good to go - it´s that easy.

In combination with our multiplexers: Any to any port assignments – nothing is impossible!

Did you ever find yourself in a situation where you had to solve the puzzle of assigning your sensor ports to a multichannel device but kept running into constraints? Maybe you even resolved to manually reconfiguring cables in between measurements to cope with this? Good news: These times are over! Freeing you of all channel assignment constraints as seen in conventional multiplexer arrangements, our any-to-any multiplexers give you complete freedom and take out the hassle and riddling of the port assignment and configuration process. Assigning ports becomes a breeze! Additionally, this opens up a world of new possibilities: switching polarities on ports, moving current paths on fixed sensing positions, fixed excitation points and scanned potential or impedance mapping, multiport component analysis, or anything else you can imagine. These multiplexers can do it. EIT style injection patterns are just as easily realized and combined with the EIT measurement option in our impedance analyzers you can do image reconstruction on top of your data.
Check out the MUX64 for more information!

sensor and chip types

  • industry standard electrodes/sensors available from several manufacturers
  • tons of electrode geometries and materials to choose from
  • custom made electrode structures to perfectly fit your needs
  • optional integration of fluidic handling or temperature control

Just as important as the correct instrument is the sensor type you use. The MEArack is compatible with industry standard chips available from several manufacturers world wide. Typical sensor geometries range from simple spot electrodes, over interdigitated electrodes (IDEs) up to highly specialized electrodes for specific cell cultures and experiment types.

Need something more tailored towards your needs? We can help you design and manufacture your own sensor structures specifically targeting your application. Integration of fluidic handling and temperature control is also available.


Relevant publications

TUM 1000+ team at Sciospec
research project

TUM 1000+ at Sciospec: Exploring AI’s Role in Technology Development

How can fresh academic perspectives drive real-world innovation? Through the TUM 1000+ program, Sciospec collaborated with a dynamic team of TU Munich students—Mohammad Omer, Monika Gupta, and Guillem Alvarez Bernal—to explore AI-driven optimizations in signal processing, test automation, and development workflows. Their insights not only helped refine key processes but also reinforced Sciospec’s commitment to advancing high-precision impedance-based technologies. Read about our key takeaways and how industry-academia collaboration fuels the next generation of innovation.

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Sciospec Scientific Instruments GmbH
Leipziger Str. 43b, 04828 Bennewitz, Germany


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